Leading the Way in CBD Safety

Our “Active” brand products ensures consistent quality and cleanliness for the safety of our customers. Extensive measures such as building an ISO 6 cleanroom, obtaining a CDPHE certification and testing each batch of product, to name a few. The whole goal of the ISO 6 cleanroom is to reduce the introduction of contaminants and ensure…

CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil

Many products are marketed in a deceitful way as CBD oil, when in reality they are just hemp oil. Quite commonly, hemp oil — or hemp seed oil — is marketed as CBD by sneaky companies even though they are two very different components within hemp. One of the main differences between hemp oil and…

Pets and CBD

CBD is for pets suffering from health conditions such as arthritis/joint pain, epilepsy, skin problems, and anxiety. Most people prefer CBD over THC for their pets, due to the lack of side effects. In fact, THC is not recommended for pets, due to its psychological effects.

The History of Hemp

Farmers have a lot of questions about hemp, so we asked expert Michael Bowman, founding chair of the National Hemp Association, to answer a few.  SF: WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF HEMP? MB: Hemp was poised to be a billion-dollar crop in the 1930s with Henry Ford a big supporter, but the Marijuana Tax Act…